Moldau in Prague, 1932, woodcut on paper, size of the folio 24,1 x 18,3 cm, without a frame.
Published: Tibor Huszár, Koloman Sokol Sambo, Tibi Agency, 1998, Bratislava, p. 139
Etching on paper, 1939, size 16,8×12,5 cm, 32×21,5cm (size including frame).
signed right bottom, left bottom written PF 39
Published: Eva Šefčáková, Koloman Sokol, SVKL, 1963, Bratislava, obr. 65
Guash, tempera on paper, 20.the Oct 1978, size 27 x 20,5 cm, 71 x 57,2 cm (size including frame).
Decorative author´s stamps upper left, signed upper right SAMBO
written by the author: NEZAHODIT DOKUMENT, NUEVOS RUMBOS in the bottom
Guash, tempera on paper, around 1975, size 27 x 20,5 cm, 71 x 57,2 cm (size including frame)
Decorative author´s stamps upper right next to the illustration